Blog cover: electric vs gas RC cars: how to choose?

Electric vs Gas RC Cars: What is the Better Choice?

When they walk into an RC hobby shop, many people want the coolest, fastest thing that the shop has. So, I will go over the differences between electric and gas cars. You’re really going to have to choose what’s best for you. I hope this post helps you make a decision. Table Of ContentsWhat is […]

best rc cars buyers guide blog cover

10 Best RC Cars in 2024 (My Top Picks)

Remote control (RC) cars provide an incredibly fun and engaging hobby for enthusiasts of all ages. From recreationally zipping around the backyard to competitively racing at the track, RC cars deliver an adrenaline-filled ride every time. As RC technology continues advancing rapidly, an influx of new models with innovative features and heightened performance hit the […]

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